Welcome to the Shepherd University Psychology Program!
Here, you will find information about the Psychology Major, Psychology Minor, and Aging Studies Minor at Shepherd University. The program also houses the Master of Arts program in College Student Development and Administration. Follow this link for information about our programs of study.
Resources for current students are available via the Current Psychology Majors link to the left. Visit the Psychology Opportunities Board for current listings of job, internship, and graduate school opportunities in Psychology.
Information for prospective students appears below and in the links to the left. If you are transferring to Shepherd from another institution, see our page with information for transfer students.
For news and up-to-date information about the department, visit us on Facebook. We’re also on Twitter
and Instagram
The Psychology major at Shepherd was designed according to the American Psychological Association’s guidelines for the undergraduate psychology major and gives students broad exposure to the science of human behavior. The Psychology major is useful regardless of whether you are planning to enter a career in applied psychology (for example, as a clinical or counseling psychologist, forensic psychologist, substance abuse counselor, applied behavior analyst, or social worker), psychological research (for example, in industry or at a research university), or any career in which an understanding of human behavior is useful (for example, sales, marketing, management, law, or medicine). Have a look at this page for a description of what you can do with a major in psychology.
Students majoring in Psychology at Shepherd learn about the scientific study of human behavior through both traditional classwork and experiential learning such as service-learning, research assistantships, clinical internships, and study abroad. Students also have opportunities to engage with the local community. Our focus on the science of psychology prepares students with a variety of skills that will be useful in many careers and also strongly prepares those who choose to continue their education in pursuit of a graduate degree. As teachers, our award-winning, highly engaged faculty ensure our students are progressing by getting to know each of them. We do this by keeping classes small (most classes for majors have around 20-25 students), by assigning each major to one of the full-time faculty as an academic advisor, and by offering a number of opportunities to work one-on-one with faculty outside the classroom. This close faculty-student interaction also promotes student engagement and success.
Feel free to explore this site using the links above and to the left. If you have any questions about the Psychology major at Shepherd, contact Dr. Chris Lovelace at clovelac@shepherd.edu. We look forward to having you join us!
Those wishing to support our mission financially may do so by visiting our Giving page.
The Psychology Program Mission:
In conjunction with the missions of Shepherd University and the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, the Psychology program facilitates student learning of core psychological knowledge, skills, and values and supports students’ career aspirations and academic goals through quality teaching, mentoring, and advising. Through service and research, the program encourages meaningful faculty and student participation in the community. The program accepts that psychology is an objective natural science. We apply the University’s core values in the program and abide by the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct.