Dr. Charles Carter
Areas of Specialization
American Literature, Classical Literature, Milton, Literature of the English Renaissance
Dr. Charles W. Carter was educated at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received a B.A. in English with Honors in Writing in 1965, an M.A. in English and Comparative Literature in 1966, and his doctorate in 19th-century American and British Literature in 1972. He still remains an avid, if not rabid, Tar Heel basketball enthusiast.
Dr. Carter’s areas of specialization and scholarly interests are Classical Greek and Roman literature, the literature of the English Renaissance, and 19th-Century American Literature, especially the works of Hawthorne, Melville, and Whitman, and the poetry of Emily Dickinson, the subject of his doctoral dissertation.
Dr. Carter joined the faculty in 1972, served as chair of the Department of English from 1990-1993, and is now serving as chair once again. He continues to teach a variety of courses, ranging from freshman courses in composition and introduction to literature and sophomore survey courses in American literature to upper-divisional, specialized courses in Greek Mythology, Milton, 19th-Century American fiction, and American Poetry.
From 1995 through 2005, Dr. Carter served as Director of Academic Advisement for the University. He designed and was in charge of the Summer Freshman Advisement/ Registration Program and all advisement/registration sessions held throughout the academic year.