The Office of Accessibility Services at Shepherd University offers the following academic accommodations (including but not limited to):
- Accessible Classroom: This accommodation ensures an accessible classroom for the student. For example, if a student used a mobility aid, the classroom would be accessible by ramp/lift/elevator.
- Alternative Testing Format: This accommodation provides students with an alternative format for their tests. Example: no scantrons, typed responses.
- Assistive Technology: This accommodation provides students with technology to assist them in their classes. Example: access to a word processor, echo recording pens.
- Enlarged Print: This accommodation allows for students to be provided with larger print versions of class materials and submit assignments in larger print.
- Extended Test Taking Time: This accommodation provides students with additional time to take quizzes and exams. 1.5x or 2x is available on a case-by-case basis.
- Extended Time on Assignments: This accommodation is granted to students with a disability that impacts their ability to complete assignments at the scheduled time. Students must communicate with their faculty regarding alternative deadlines. Click here to review the Extended Time on Assignment Guidelines.
- Intermittent Attendance: This accommodation allows for leniency in a professor’s attendance policy due to a student’s disability. This is not unlimited unexcused absences. Click here to review the Intermittent Attendance Guidelines.
- Permission to Record Class Lectures: This accommodation allows students to record their lectures to be reviewed later. Students are still expected to take their own notes during class.
- Preferential Seating: This accommodation allows students preferential seating for their in-person classes.
- Priority Registration: This accommodation allows a student to register for classes early because of their disability.
- Reduced Distraction Environment for Testing: This accommodation provides students a quiet environment to take their tests, which can be done in the Accessibility Services Proctoring Office.
- Test Read Aloud: This accommodation provides students the opportunity to have their test be read aloud., which can be done in the Accessibility Services office.
- Use of a Calculator: This accommodation allows the student to use a four-function calculator on their exams.