Off-campus callers must preface the four digit extension with 304-876-
Academic Advising 5212
Academic Affairs 5176
Academic Support 5221
Accounting Department 5241
Add/Drop 5463
Administration and Finance 5287
Admissions 5212
Advancement 5195
Air Conditioning 5236
Alumni Office 5157
Art Department 5294/5224
Arts and Humanities 5224
Assessment 5461
Athletics 5481
Audio Visual 5461
Ballroom 5230
Biology Department 5227
Birch Hall 4070
Blue-Gray Room 5394
Blue Ridge CTC 304-260-4380
Bookstore 5219
Budget 5494
Building Maintenance 5236
Business Adm/Family & Cons Sciences 5332
Business and Social Sciences 5332
Cacapon Room 5119
Career Center 5122
Cashier 5284
Catering 5145
CATF 3473
Center for Legislative Study 5665
Chemistry 5227
Chief Financial Officer 5287
Choral 5371
CIS 5187/5227
Civil War Center 5429
CLEP 5122
Communications Department 5220
Commuter Services 5214
Computer and Info Sciences 5187/5227
Computer Lab (White Hall) 5367
Computer User Support 5457
Conference Services 5497
Cooperative Education 5122
Counseling 5276
Cumberland Room 5089
Development 5195
Dining Hall 5387
Disabled Students 5453
Economics Department 5241
Education Department 5305
Electrical Outage and Repairs 5236
Emergency Maintenance (all hours) 5236
Engineering 5187/5227
English Department 5220
Enrollment Management 5009
Family & Consumer Sciences 5318
Federal Express Service 5148
Financial Aid Office 5470
Fireside Bistro 5191
First Year Experience 5396
Food Service 5387
Foundation Office 5397
Games Area 5411
Gardiner Hall 4009
Geography 5241
Grade Appeals 5463
Graduate Education Studies 5313
Health Services 5161
Help Desk/Computer 5457
History Department 5332
Honors Program 5244
Housekeeping 5462
Housing Office 5172
HPERS 5388
Human Resources 5299
Information Center 5497
Information Technology Services 5245
Intramural Office 5029
Kenamond Hall 4019
Keys 5236
Legal Matters 5009
Legislative Studies 5665
Library 5421
Library (Circulation Desk) 5421
Library (Office) 5312
Library (Reference Desk) 5420
Loan Assistance 5321
Lost and Found 5497
Mailroom 5641
Maintenance 5236
Maple 4080
Mathematics 5227
Multicultural Affairs 5453
Music Department 5711/5555
Natural Sciences 5227
Nursery School 5256
Nursing Department 5341
Parking Information 5374
Payroll 5322
PASS 5113
Personnel 5299
Physical Education Department 5388
Physical Plant Department 5236
Physical Science Department 5227
Picket 5377
Plumbing Repairs 5236
Political Science Department 5332
Pool 5440
Postal Services 5641
Potomac Room 5392
President’s Office 5107
Print Shop 5252
Procurement Services 5216
Program Board 5326
Psychology Department 5297
Public Information/Publications 5465
Radio Station (WSHC) 5369
Rambler 5273
Ram Mart 5513
Ram’s Den 5229
R.B.A. Program 5275
Registrar’s Office 5463
Residence Life 5172
Robert C. Byrd Ctr for Leg. Studies 5665
Service Center 5252
Shaw Hall 4039
Sociology and Geography Depart 5332
Social Work Department 5268
Sports Information 5228
Student Academic Support 5221
Student Affairs Office 5214
Student Center/Information Desk 5497
Student Community Services 5402
Student Employment 304-671-1906
Student Government Office 5301
Student Life Council 5214
Study Center 5221
Summer School 5463
Switchboard/Console 5496
Teaching and Learning 5461
Telephone Repairs 5457
Thacher Hall 4049
Theater Box Office 3473
Theater Department 3885
TOEFL Exam 5212
Transcript Information 5463
Trash Removal 5236
Travel 5216
Turner Hall 4059
University Communications 5465
University Police (8 am-4:30 pm) 5374
University Police (4:30 pm-8 am) 5202
User Support/Computer 5457
Veteran’s Affairs 5325
Visitor Parking 5374
Washington Gateway Program 5122
Wellness Center 5300
Wellness Center Cafe 5040
Westwoods Complex 4060
Withdrawal 5463
WSHC 5369
WV Public Radio 304-876-9313