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Theta Epsilon Bylaws/Membership

Shepherd Univ Theta EpsilonBylaws 02-01-2022

The Theta Epsilon Chapter of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty, and alumni/community members who have demonstrated excellent performance in at least one of the following categories: international education, international exchange, internationalization initiatives, or the promotion of global understanding and respect at Shepherd University or in other settings.  Candidates approved by the Chapter’s Executive Board will be invited to participate in the annual induction ceremony.  (The GPA minimum for undergraduate students is 3.2, and for graduate students 3.5.)

Nominees must be willing to contribute to the activities of the chapter and be nominated by two members in good standing. The new member fee is $65 for staff, faculty, and currently enrolled students; the fee includes the first year of membership, a certificate, the PBD medallion, and the national newsletter, refereed publication, and webinars.  Lifetime membership is available for $400 through the national office,  The 2025 induction ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, 3:30 p.m., Jefferson Room (room 104) in White Hall.

Phi Beta Delta Nomination Form Cover Page . The deadline for 2025 nominations has been extended to Wednesday, February 19, 2025.  All nominations are reviewed by the Society’s Executive Board. Contact Heidi Dobish ( or Keith Alexander ( for additional information.  


Domestic Students (undergraduate and graduate):  Domestic students become eligible upon demonstrated high academic achievement in the pursuit of academic studies abroad in exchange programs approved by the institution or in participation in comparable international programs or experiences where academic relevance can be demonstrated to the institution, including but not limited to those who are students who have not physically traveled abroad for study but have evidence in the form of a portfolio, which may include, for example, letter(s)of recommendation, curricular description, course syllabus, which verifies engagement in virtual and global learning, and intercultural competencies which may also include individuals having multicultural origins, and/or who are fluent in more than one language, and at the undergraduate level: attainment of 30 credit hours at the associate degree level, and 45 credit hours at the bachelor degree level; or at the graduate level of: (a) one semester in a one-year master’s degree program, or two semesters in a two-year master’s degree program; and (b) two semesters at the doctoral level.  Undergraduate students with a minimum 3.2 GPA and graduate students with a minimum 3.5 GPA are eligible for membership. 

International Students (undergraduate and graduate):  International students (non-immigrant visa holders) become eligible upon demonstrated high academic achievement at their institution and at the undergraduate level:  1) attainment of 30 credit hours at the associate degree level, and 45 credit hours at the bachelor degree level; 2) or at the graduate level of: (a) one semester in a one-year master’s degree program, or two semesters in a two-year master’s degree program; and (b) two semesters at the doctoral level; or (3) at either undergraduate or graduate levels; those who are students in institutions abroad who have not physically traveled abroad for study but have evidence in the form of a portfolio, which may include, for example, letter(s)of recommendation, curricular description, course syllabus, which verifies engagement in virtual and global learning, and intercultural competencies (which may also include individuals having multicultural origins, and/or who are fluent in more than one language). Undergraduate students with a minimum 3.2 GPA and graduate students with a minimum 3.5 GPA are eligible for membership. 

Students (undergraduate and graduate, domestic and international) who have distinguished themselves academically in previous institutions (domestically or abroad) or having significantly contributed to international endeavors, i.e., programs, leadership, service, or publications, may be nominated for induction at the end of their first semester in residence at Shepherd University.  Undergraduate students with a minimum 3.2 GPA and graduate students with a minimum 3.5 GPA are eligible for membership. Students who have paid Chapter dues are considered active members and may vote in the Chapter. 

Faculty and staff:  Faculty and staff who have demonstrated excellence in recognized international activities such as teaching, research, and other scholarly activities, and/or have demonstrated outstanding service to international education, international exchange, and internationalization, who may also have engaged in developing virtual and global learning curricular experiences, research, or program development. Faculty and staff members who have paid Chapter dues are considered active members and may vote in the Chapter. 

Alumni/Community members:  Such persons have not previously been members, and have demonstrated outstanding service to international education, international exchange, and internationalization.  Nominees must be willing to contribute to the activities of the chapter and be nominated by two members in good standing.  Community members who have paid Chapter dues are considered active members and may vote in the Chapter.

Students, staff, faculty, and alumni/community members who have paid Chapter dues are considered active members and may vote in the Chapter.