Present for the signing of the partnership agreement were (front row, l. to r.) Siriki Diabate, international admissions officer; H.E. Prof. Hassana Alidou, Niger’s ambassador to the U.S.; Provost Scott Beard; and Dr. Lois Jarman, director of international affairs; back row, Gbaguidi Lamine, Shepherd graduate; Mariama Check Mohamed, Niger’s finance attaché; Mahamane Bachir Fifi, Niger’s first counselor; Maria Skowronski, director of intensive English language; Ekoa Kadio, intensive English language student; and Eva Olsson, intensive English language instructor.
Shepherd University has entered into an international enrollment partnership with the République du Niger that will make it easier for students from that country to attend Shepherd. The agreement, which was signed August 1, streamlines the undergraduate and graduate admissions process for students from Niger, waives the admissions application fee, and offers tuition waivers and scholarships to academically-qualified students.