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RMC Results

2nd Place Team at CFA Invitational 2017 Tournament!!

On 20-21 October 2017 our team competed in the Collegiate Forensics Association’s (CFA) Invitational Tournament at Randolph-Macon College.  We are proud to report that we won 2nd Place in Team Sweepstakes!

Our team’s success was made possible by the following finishes:


Lincoln-Douglas Debate:

1st Place: Sam Brown

4th Place: Casey Feezle

6th Place: Madison Ronevich

Parliamentary Debate:

5th Place: Sam Brown and Casey Feezle

Parliamentary Debate Speaker:

4th Place: Sam Brown



1st Place: Georgia Musselwhite

3rd Place: Lauren Duckworth

Dramatic Duo:

1st Place: Lauren Duckworth and Georgia Musselwhite



Public Address:

Extemporaneous speaking:

1st Place: Sam Brown

Pentathlon (competing in more than 5 events):

1st Place: Sam Brown


2nd Place: Casey Feezle

5th Place: Spencer VanHoose


2nd Place: Casey Feezle


2nd Place: Sam Brown

5th Place: Casey Feezle

Communication Analysis:

3rd Place: Sam Brown

After-dinner speaking:

4th Place: Casey Feezle

 This impressive finish was made possible by the talented and hard-working group that includes everyone listed above as well as Imen Bouhestine, Jenn Dickey, Adnan Haider, Mikayla Duhaime, Josh Smart, and Katie Zakrzewski.  We are also grateful to David Bennett, John Isner, DeVan Sample for their contributions to the team!