Retirees honored during the annual Employee Recognition Luncheon held April 6 in the Storer Ballroom of the Student Center are pictured above (l. to r.) Carline Shaw, Tom White, Paula Wamsley, Dr. Chip Zimmer, Nan Gunther-Snyder ’90, Dave Cole, Wanda Smith, Ken Harbaugh, and Dr. John Shultz.
Shepherd University honored this year’s retirees and employees celebrating a years of service anniversary at a luncheon held April 6.
This year’s retirees included Dave Cole, Student Affairs Division; Dr. Meg Galligan, Department of Business Administration; Nan Gunther-Snyder ’90, R.B.A. Program; Ken Harbaugh, Human Resources (formerly Print Shop and Postal Services); Carol Hunter, Wellness Center; Dr. Rebecca Mercado, Department of Education; Dr. John Schultz, Department of Economics and Finance; Carline Shaw, Finance Office; Wanda Smith, Admissions Office; Kathy Virts, Dining Services; Paula Wamsley, Finance Office; Tom White, George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War; and Dr. Chip Zimmer, Department of Business Administration.
Those employees observing years of service anniversaries are:
45 Years
James Romano, Computer Information Sciences
35 Years
Nancy Cowherd, Scarborough Library
Dr. Charles Hulse, Sociology and Geography
30 Years
Monte Cater, Athletics
Brian Hammond ’93, IT Services
Mary Beth Myers ’99, Student Affairs
Paula Scott, Facilities Management
Dr. Sylvia Shurbutt, English
Rhonda Smith, Contemporary Art and Theater
25 Years
Dr. Douglas Kennard, Education
Sandra Pounds, Student Center
Diane Shewbridge ’73, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Theresa Smith ’90, Scarborough Library
20 Years
Dr. Jason Best, Institute of Environmental and Physical Sciences
Dave Kelvington, Police Department
15 Years
Dr. Ruth Conley, Biology
Melanie Ford, Athletics
Melody Gillespie, Facilities Management
Tammy Paugh, Dining Services
Dr. Stephanie Slocum-Schaffer, Political Science
James Sweeney ’09 M.B.A., Wellness Center
10 Years
Esperanza Alzona, Music
John Goff, Facilities Management
Dr. Heidi Hanrahan, English
Dr. Chiquita Howard-Bostic, Sociology
Rhonda Jackson, Counseling
Ramona Kissel, Human Resources
Marvin Martin, Dining Services
Dr. Jason McKahan, Mass Communications
David Orsini, Facilities Management
Julie Rohlfs, Bookstore
Jennifer Seeley ’06 and ’08 M.B.A., Wellness Center
Christine Toms ’04, Scarborough Library
Dr. Georgiann Toole ’80, Education
Qing Wang, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering
Orrett White, Facilities Management
Emily Wilson, Admissions
Shannon Zimmerman, Registrar’s Office
5 Years
Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, Chemistry
Dryan Cole, Facilities Management
Joseph Dagg, IT Services
Danielle Easton, Athletics
Carl Godlove, Dining Services
Dr. Michael Groves, Nursing Education
Virginia Haddock, Academic Affairs
Dr. Sher Hendrickson-Lambert, Biology
Dr. Arend Holtslag, Political Science
Dr. Rhonda Hovatter, HPERS
Dr. LeAnn Johnson, Education
Dr. Matthew Kushin, Mass Communications
Jessica Lanciano, Residence Life
Kristen Lorenz ’10, Admissions
Dr. Jordan Mader, Chemistry
Matthew McCarty ’10, Athletics
David Modler, Contemporary Art and Theater
Jonathan Piper ’15, Financial Aid
Timothy Randolph, Facilities Management
Karen Rice ’12 M.B.A., Graduate Studies and Continuing Education
Dr. Elizabeth Sechler, Residence Life
Martha Smith, Dining Services
Joseph Smith, Wellness Center
Rebecca Stottlemyer, Finance
Joshua Stover, Wellness Center
Dr. Robert Tudor, Music
Kelly Waldron, Facilities Management
Audrey Whitehead, Financial Aid
Photos of the honorees are available on Flickr at https://www.flickr.com/photos/shepherdu/albums/72157678942543654