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Personal Statement Writing Prompts

Students are encouraged to submit a personal statement along with their application for admission. It should be at least 250 words in length and can be on any of the topics below.

  1. Have you faced a challenge or failure? How has that affected you? How did you learn and grow from the experience?
  2. We are looking for students who will become positive additions to our student body. If this describes you, please share how you’ll become involved at Shepherd and what your background, identity, interests or talents will add to our student community.
  3. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
  4. Describe an engaging topic, idea, or concept of personal importance to you. What interests you about this and where do you turn to learn more?
  5. Write an essay on the topic of your choice.