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Shepherd University has partnered with the PBM Foundation to promote photobiomodulation (PBM) as a preferred treatment in wound care, healing, and pain relief.

The PBM Foundation will support Shepherd University in achieving a leadership role in the education of health professionals and other scientists in the use of PBM to help people in West Virginia and around the world recover from diseases and conditions having no effective treatment today.


To transform local and global healthcare, agriculture, and natural environments with PBM through education, research, and innovation.


Health and well-being will improve universally by using PBM knowledge, skills, and devices in injury and disease. Availability will expand through education, new treatments will be discovered by research, and efficacy will improve with innovation.


According to the CDC, there were 42,200 fatal opioid overdoses in 2016. That is like two 747s falling out of the sky…every single week of 2016.

The future of PBM

Already there are more than 500 human clinical trials (RCTs) published.
The FDA is set to announce in March legitimizing PBM as a treatment, and Shepherd University intends to demonstrate academic leadership by forming a PBM center of excellence.

PBM/Shepherd University Adjunct Research Professors

Shepherd University is expanding its profile as a research institution and, in cooperation with the PBM Foundation, is pleased and privileged to have established relationships with leading research scientists in the field of Photobiomodulation (PBM).  These outstanding individuals will have a continuing relationship with the University as Adjunct Research Professors, allowing them to conduct research work in the natural sciences fields as part of the Shepherd faculty.