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Students present at statewide literary symposium

ISSUED: 15 March 2018
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Six Shepherd students presented their work at the West Virginia Undergraduate Literary Symposium at Fairmont State University on Saturday, March 3.

Alexandra McCarron, a secondary education major from Charles Town, presented “The Devil’s in the Details: Female Characterization in the Book of Job and the Testament of Jobab”; Claudia McCarron, an English major from Charles Town, presented “The Revelation to Jane: Christianity and Apocalypse in Jane Eyre”; MaKarie Myers, an undeclared major from Martinsburg, presented “Parroting Perspective”; Heidi Reichert, a mathematics major from Kearneysville, presented “Genji, Roland, and the Roles of Privilege and Context in Autonomy”; Gabrielle Hersey, an English major from Delray, presented “Perverse Philosophy: Poe’s Problem with Transcendentalism”; and Lilli Sutton, an English major from Boonsboro, Maryland, presented “The Self-Reliance of Ecclesiastes.”

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