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Students collect books for Kenyan elementary schools

ISSUED: 19 April 2024
MEDIA CONTACT: Cecelia Mason

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Shepherd University education students are heading to Kenya in May and June to explore the impact of poverty and culture on schools and the children in attendance. A large part of the trip is dedicated to the Books and Balls Kenya School Library Project.

In 2022 Dr. LeAnn Johnson, associate professor of education and Master of Arts in Teaching coordinator, traveled to Kenya, where headmaster George Kilonzo of the Daystar-Mulundi Primary School mentioned to her that “most of these children have never even held a book.”

Before Johnson returned home, the school had a small library. In 2023, students returned to Kenya and added substantially to the library. They were also successful in establishing a second library at another location, the Nthuluni Primary School.

Shepherd education students will be joining Johnson on her third trip to Kenya in May and June. Jennifer Flynn, an elementary education major, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, has been leading the Books and Balls Drive to collect books to fill new libraries in Kenyan elementary schools.

This will be the second year Flynn will travel to Kenya to establish and grow libraries for the country’s children. Shepherd is working with University of Maryland study abroad students to help transport books and anticipates being able to bring 25 suitcases, each with 50 pounds of books, this summer.

Johnson and the students are collecting gently used books appropriate for children ages 4 to 12 before the end of the semester. The drop-off is in Knutti Hall, room 103, 102 E. High St., Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Donations to purchase books and help build libraries can be made to a GoFundMe page.

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