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Mikayla Hamrick awarded West Virginia Press Association internship, scholarship

ISSUED: 29 April 2020
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — A Shepherd University student is the recipient of a West Virginia Press Association Foundation 2020 summer internship at a West Virginia newspaper and a college scholarship. Mikayla Hamrick, an English major and communication and new media minor from Inwood, was chosen for the month-long paid internship at any publication in West Virginia. Once she completes the internship, she will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

“Since I currently work at The Journal, I have decided to stay at that publication,” Hamrick said. “I am blessed beyond belief that I was awarded the scholarship. It really just formulated that I not only have a voice that deserves to be heard, but that individuals who I don’t even personally know are supporting me in my effort to make a difference.”

Hamrick hopes to eventually further her education by earning a master’s, doctorate, or law degree.

“I’m not sure exactly which route I’ll take, but I know that I never want to stop learning,” she said.

West Virginia Press Association Foundation internship and scholarship programs are open to students in fields such as journalism, business management, human resources, advertising, social media, and marketing, with preference given to students in at least their sophomore year of college.

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