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Diversity and Cultural Competency Day at Shepherd April 16

ISSUED: 4 April 2014
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — The Shepherd University Department of Nursing Education will host its third annual Diversity and Cultural Competence Conference “Leadingthe Initiative for a Culturally Diverse Healthcare Workforce” Wednesday, April 16 in Erma Ora Byrd Hall and the Frank Center.

A catered reception will open the conference from 9:30 to 10 a.m. in the Erma Ora Byrd Hall lobby.

Dr. Thomas C. Segar, vice president for student affairs at Shepherd, will lead the session “Why Does Cultural Competence Matter for Faculty and Staff?” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the Erma Ora Byrd Hall auditorium. He will interview Dr. Beverly Malone, chief executive officer of the National League for Nursing, in a talk show format with faculty and staff as the audience.

Malone is among America’s most vocal leaders in the national conversation about the nursing and nurse educator shortage, and the role of nursing in ensuring access to safe, quality, culturally competent care to diverse patient populations, domestically and globally. Malone has served as a general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing and is a former dean and professor of the School of Nursing at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Her first visit to Shepherd was in 2013 for the inaugural Diversity and Cultural Competence Conference.

All faculty and staff are invited to the reception and Segar’s presentation.

Malone will be the keynote speaker from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Frank Center theater.

The conference is cosponsored by Shepherd’s Department of Nursing Education, Division of Student Affairs, and Nursing Honors Society. It is funded by the HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity grant for the Partnership for Academic and Social Student Success (PASSS).

For more information, contact Jill Karagoz at jkaragoz@shepherd.edu or 304-876-5789.


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