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Criminal Justice Lecture Series March 22 talk to focus on juvenile justice

ISSUED: 14 March 2023

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WVShepherd University’s Criminal Justice Lecture Series will present Juvenile Justice Through the Looking Glass” with Derek Getic, Maryland Department of Juvenile Services Region 4 regional director, on Wednesday, March 22, at 1:10 p.m. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, is available via Zoom on the Criminal Justice Lecture Series webpage.  

Headshot of Derek Getic in a suit jacket and tie smiling at the camera.Juvenile justice is an evolving field that involves intake, pre-court services, probation, detention, and committed placement. The juvenile justice system is often the entry point into the adult criminal justice system. There is a shift to change the narrative for how the system handles young people and the professionals assigned to work with them. 

Getic has worked for more than 25 years in the human service field in areas that include family preservation programs, child protective services investigations, juvenile probation, juvenile drug court, juvenile detention facilities, and juvenile committed programs. He is a certified auditor with the American Correctional Association working on reform and best practices within juvenile detention facilities. He is passionate about creating an understanding and providing a level playing field for communities of color, the LGTBQ community, and socio-economically disadvantaged, and marginalized. 

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