ISSUED: 14 November 2017
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Cynthia Copney, director of TRiO Programs at Shepherd University, was chosen president-elect of the WV TRiO Association during its fall conference November 2 in Charleston. Copney will become the 2018 president of the WV TRiO Association and will serve as immediate past president in 2019.
“I am truly honored to be selected to serve in this position to help lead the TRiO initiatives of 10 colleges and universities in the state that have one or more TRiO programs,” Copney said.
WV TRiO’s mission is to promote equal educational opportunity and greater accessibility to higher education for the TRiO-eligible student. WV TRiO seeks to bring together those persons who have an active interest in becoming professionally involved in broadening access to and retention in postsecondary education. The association also seeks to provide professional staff development to ensure that qualified and informed professionals are engaged in the delivery role with the client population.
As president-elect, Copney will actively work with TRiO’s regional board, the Mid-Eastern Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (MEAEOPP), which is comprised of representatives from the states of Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. The mission of MEAEOPP is to bring together individuals who have shared interests in and advocate for the educational and cultural development of TRiO and all underrepresented and underserved individuals.
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