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Commission on Collegiate Nursing seeks input on D.N.P. Program

ISSUED: 11 July 2016
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — The Department of Nursing Education at Shepherd University is seeking accreditation for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) program by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). In addition to reviewing the D.N.P. program from a campus perspective, the CCNE is also interested in input from affected parties, including students, alumni, faculty, and the practice community. Group members are invited to provide written input for the consideration of the CCNE evaluation team, which will visit Shepherd September 7-9 for an on-site accreditation evaluation.

The four standards of program quality and effectiveness that CCNE focuses upon are mission and governance; institutional commitment and resources; curriculum and teaching-learning practices; and assessment and achievement of program outcomes. These standards can be found by pasting Standards for Accreditation of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Programs (Amended 2013) as a web address.

During the review of the program, the evaluation team will consider submitted comments relevant to the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards. At no time during the review process are these comments shared with anyone at Shepherd University–they are totally confidential with CCNE. Written and signed third-party comments will be accepted by CCNE until 21 days before the visit, i.e., by August 17. If you would like to submit comments, please send them to: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education(CCNE), Attn: Third-Party Comments, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20036-1120 or to

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