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BOG approves tuition, room, board increases

ISSUED: 4 April 2014
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens

SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — The Shepherd University Board of Governors approved a 4.96 percent tuition increase for both in-state and out-of-state students during its April 3 meeting. The board’s decision took into consideration a second year of state budget cuts, anticipated to be 3.75 percent, as well as market research comparing Shepherd to competitor institutions.

For the fall 2014 semester, tuition will be $3,285 per semester for in-state students and $8,314 per semester for out-of-state students.

Room rates will increase 3.8 percent and board rates will increase 2.06 percent.

Graduate fees per credit hour will increase $17 (4.45 percent) for in-state students and $27 per credit hour (4.98 percent) for out-of-state students.

In other business, the board approved a graduate certificate in Appalachian studies, a non-degree 15-hour program composed of an introductory foundation course, a capstone research experience, and 9 hours of electives tailored to meet individual education goals.

Also approved was a restructuring of the administration and finance area by converting the current vice president for administration and finance position into two positions with a vice president for administration and a vice president for finance. The vice president for administration will oversee auxiliaries (Wellness Center, Bookstore, Student Center, housing, and dining operations), facilities, and information technology, and the vice president for finance/chief financial officer will oversee finance and procurement services.

Emeritus faculty and staff were recognized during the board meeting. Emeritus status is conferred upon retiring faculty and staff who have completed 10 or more years of service at Shepherd University. Those receiving the designation were faculty member Dr. Joyce Webb and staff members Barbara Byers, Sandy Collier, and Joan Pope.

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