ISSUED: 7 November 2017
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie Owens
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Shepherd University and the West Virginia Center for the Book are issuing the final call for submissions to the “Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Wiley Cash Volume 10.” The deadline is November 15, and submissions that in some way connect to the writing of Wiley Cash, that portray the Appalachian working class, the struggles of the mine and mill wars, or say something that connects to the region will receive preference.
The “Anthology of Appalachian Writers” is a publication that encourages a long-established tradition of storytelling, love of language, and creative expression associated broadly with the Appalachian region. Though the principal mission of the anthology is to provide a venue for publication of new writers, it also provides a collection of literature and scholarship that contributes to an understanding and appreciation for Appalachia. Poetry, fiction, memoir, creative nonfiction, essays, heritage writers, as well as new voices appear in each annual volume.
The anthology is supported by the Shepherd University Foundation, the West Virginia Center for the Book, and the Shepherd University Appalachian Studies Program. The editorial board includes Dr. Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt, senior managing editor, Appalachian Heritage Writers Project director and Shepherd Appalachian studies coordinator; Natalie Sypolt and David O. Hoffman, senior editors; Brianna Maguire, student editor; and Wiley Cash, the 2017 Appalachian Heritage Writer-in-Residence at Shepherd University.
To submit original, unpublished work of fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry for consideration by the editors, send an electronic copy, along with some biographical information, to Shurbutt at All submissions must be received before the November 15 deadline. For full submissions details, visit
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