We cannot wait to get you registered for classes and welcome you to campus!
To schedule your advising appointment, please email the academic advisor below from your Shepherd Email account.
Note: You must pay your $100 enrollment deposit and have access to your degree evaluation before you can register for classes.
If you have questions, contact the Office of Admissions at 304-876-5212 or admission@shepherd.edu.
Please email Dr. Cindy Vance, cvance@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Applied Mathematics & Data Science
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email the advisor for your chosen concentration to schedule an advising appointment.
General Art – David Modler, dmodler@shepherd.edu
Graphic Design – Andrew Dolan, adolan@shepherd.edu
Painting – Sonya Evanisko, sevanisk@shepherd.edu
Photography & Computer Imagery – Ally Christmas, achristm@shepherd.edu
Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu or Dr. Sytil Murphy, smurphy@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Business Administration
Please email Dr. Kathleen Reid, kreid@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Amy Ray, aport01@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Communication & New Media
Please email Jason McKahan, jmckahan@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Computer Information Science
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Criminal Justice
Please email Dr. Amy DeWitt, adewitt@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Kathleen Reid, kreid@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Amy Ray, aport01@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Elementary Education
Please email Dr. Belinda Mitchell, bmitchel@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Engineering Science
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Betty Ellzey, bellzey@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Environmental Studies
Please email Dr. Sytil Murphy, smurphy@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Global Studies
Please email Dr. Sam Greene, sgreene@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Health Promotion and Exercise Science
Please email Dr. Stacey Kendig at skendig@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Keith Alexander, kalexand@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Interdisciplinary Appalachian Studies
Please email Dr. Ben Bankhurst, bbankhur@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Music and Music Education
Please email Dr. Scott Hippensteel, shippens@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Mary Hancock, mhancock@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Physical Education
Please email Dr. Stacey Kendig at skendig@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment.
Political Science
Please email Dr. Sam Greene, sgreene@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Chris Lovelace, clovelac@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Recreation and Sport Studies
Please email Dr. Stacey Kendig at skendig@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment.
Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA)
Please email Donna Miller, dmill04@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: Art
Please email David Modler, dmodler@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: Biology
Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu or Dr. Sytil Murphy, smurphy@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: Chemistry
Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: English
Please email Dr. Betty Ellzey, bellzey@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: General Science
Please email Dr. Ruth Conley, rconley@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: Math
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: Social Studies
Please email Dr. Jason Allen, jallen@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Secondary Education: Spanish
Please email Dr. Denis Berenschot, dberensc@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Social Work
Please email Craig Cline, ccline@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Amy DeWitt, adewitt@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Dr. Denis Berenschot, dberensc@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Contemporary Theater Studies
Please email kb saine, ksaine@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.
Please email Christina Reich, creich@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.