Due to potentially hazardous road conditions, campus will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 12. Stay safe.
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New Student Advising

We cannot wait to get you registered for classes and welcome you to campus!

To schedule your advising appointment, please email the academic advisor below from your Shepherd Email account
Note: You must pay your $100 enrollment deposit and have access to your degree evaluation before you can register for classes.

If you have questions, contact the Office of Admissions at 304-876-5212 or admission@shepherd.edu.

Please email Dr. Cindy Vance, cvance@shepherd.edu,  to schedule an advising appointment. 

Applied Mathematics & Data Science
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu,  to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email the advisor for your chosen concentration to schedule an advising appointment.
General Art – David Modler, dmodler@shepherd.edu 
Graphic Design – Andrew Dolan, adolan@shepherd.edu
Painting – Sonya Evanisko, sevanisk@shepherd.edu
Photography & Computer Imagery – Ally Christmas, achristm@shepherd.edu

Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu or Dr. Sytil Murphy, smurphy@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Business Administration
Please email Dr. Kathleen Reid, kreid@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Amy Ray, aport01@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Communication & New Media
Please email Jason McKahan, jmckahan@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Computer Information Science
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu,  to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Criminal Justice
Please email Dr. Amy DeWitt, adewitt@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Kathleen Reid, kreid@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Amy Ray, aport01@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Elementary Education
Please email Dr. Belinda Mitchell, bmitchel@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Engineering Science
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu,  to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Betty Ellzey, bellzey@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Environmental Studies
Please email Dr. Sytil Murphy, smurphy@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Global Studies
Please email Dr. Sam Greene, sgreene@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Health Promotion and Exercise Science
Please email Dr. Stacey Kendig at skendig@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Keith Alexander, kalexand@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. 

Interdisciplinary Appalachian Studies
Please email Dr. Ben Bankhurst, bbankhur@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. 

Music and Music Education
Please email Dr. Scott Hippensteel, shippens@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Mary Hancock, mhancock@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Physical Education
Please email Dr. Stacey Kendig at skendig@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment.

Political Science
Please email Dr. Sam Greene, sgreene@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Chris Lovelace, clovelac@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Recreation and Sport Studies
Please email Dr. Stacey Kendig at skendig@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment.

Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA)
Please email Donna Miller, dmill04@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. 

Secondary Education: Art
Please email David Modler, dmodler@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Secondary Education: Biology
Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu or Dr. Sytil Murphy, smurphy@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Secondary Education: Chemistry
Please email Dr. Jacquelyn Cole, jcole@shepherd.edu to schedule an advising appointment. If you have less than 30 college credits, you may also reach out to Lee Ambrose, lambrose@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Secondary Education: English
Please email Dr. Betty Ellzey, bellzey@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Secondary Education: General Science
Please email Dr. Ruth Conley, rconley@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment. 

Secondary Education: Math
Please email Dr. Osman Guzide, oguzide@shepherd.edu,  to schedule an advising appointment. 

Secondary Education: Social Studies
Please email Dr. Jason Allen, jallen@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Secondary Education: Spanish
Please email Dr. Denis Berenschot, dberensc@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Social Work
Please email Craig Cline, ccline@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Amy DeWitt, adewitt@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Dr. Denis Berenschot, dberensc@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Contemporary Theater Studies
Please email kb saine, ksaine@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.

Please email Christina Reich, creich@shepherd.edu, to schedule an advising appointment.