Due to potentially hazardous road conditions, campus will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 12. Stay safe.
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LGBTQIA+ and Mental Health

Counseling Services is committed to providing an affirming therapeutic environment for students.  This includes students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, or any other identifier that encompasses the intersection of an individual’s gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

All sexual orientations and gender identities are a natural part of the human experience. The following are some topics that can be explored in counseling:

Above information by Wesleyan University.


Topic Resource Notes
LGBTQIA+ organizations Hagerstown Hopes
They provide a list of LGBT+ friendly businesses
Fairness WV
National Center for Transgender Equality
They have a whole section on how to go about legal name and gender changes specifically for WV, as well as many other resources
Domestic Violence Eastern Panhandle Empowerment Center (EPEC)
Anti-Violence Project
Hotline: (212) 714-1141
Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project
Hotline: 1-800-832-1901
Mental Health Eastridge Health Systems
The Trevor Project
www.TheTrevorProject.org/HelpHotline: 1-866-488-7386
(trained counselors available 24/7)
Or, text START to 678-678
Trans Lifeline
Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
Medical Trans-friendly medical providers
Visit Fairness WV
This guide provides an overview for transgender West Virginians who are seeking a trans-friendly medical provider.
The WVU Positive Health Clinic The staff works to provide a comprehensive, “one stop shopping” approach to the treatment of HIV/AIDS. They understand that HIV/AIDS affects more than just the physical aspects of the patient. The diagnosis of HIV/AIDS can affect a patient’s finances, housing, family, social relationships and access to health care. They work to continuously improve our services to meet the patient’s vast range of needs.
Planned Parenthood
Visit Planned Parenthood Site
Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With or without insurance, you can always come to us for your health care.
Visit OutCare
Outcare is nationwide resource providing extensive information on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer healthcare (LGBTQ healthcare).
Shenandoah Women’s Care
LGBTQ+ Informed OB/Gynecological Care
Dr. Rainbow
LGBTQ+ healthcare
Chase Brexton Health Care
Our Mission: To provide compassionate, quality health care that honors diversity, inspires wellness, and improves our communities.
Housing WV Coalition to End Homelessness
Pride Panhandle Pride
Rainbow Pride of West Virginia
Visit Rainbow Pride
Rainbow Pride of WV is more than one Board of Directors, more than any one individual. Pride is YOU. Founded 23 years ago and run by a team of volunteers, Rainbow Pride is only successful when you participate! We welcome every voice to the chorus and every face to the crowd.