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“Shepherd Survival Guide” –  everything you need to know. Developed by SU students for new students

Student Success Center Resources

Shepherd University Student Resources

Monthly Adjustment Issues 

In Defense of the Liberal Arts

College is not a Commodity

What Is Education For? 

“Education For What” – A Gallop-Lumina Foundation Report

“Only Connect” – value of liberal arts

The benefits of a bachelor’s degree, both economic and non-economic (personal)

Learn Like a Tiger – Challenges help us Grow

Growth Mindset Introduction: What it is, How it works, and Why it Matters

GRIT scale

Developing A Growth Mindset

Tips for choosing a major

Differences Between High School & College

Wallace Commencement Address

Student Chosen/Preferred First Name Request Form

Using RamPulse, Corq, & Event Pass to get involved

Information Literacy:

Information Literacy & Evaluating Resources @ Shepherd 

Evaluating Sources

Avoiding Plagiarism

Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Research

Google Scholar

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) – research, plagiarism, & writing tips

Critical Thinking: 

UnifyAmerica Challenge Bowl

Critical Thinking Questions

Questions a Critical Thinker Asks

Fact Checking Information

Tips for Analyzing News Sources

How to Make Hard Choices


SU Campus Climate Survey Statistics

Title IX / Interpersonal Violence Resources

Mental Health resources 

Distinguishing Consent

Self-Care Tips

Eastern Panhandle Empowerment Center

How to Overcome Stage Fright (and other stressors)

How You Think About Stress Matters

Stress Less (counseling services presentation)

Information on Stalking

Financial Literacy:

Zogo Financial Literacy App & Instructions for Getting Started 

SPENT online finances game

Maximizing College & Minimizing Debt

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Financial Literacy Curriculum

My College Money Plan – teacher & student resources

Time Management, Note Taking, & Study Skills:

Note Taking Strategies

Time Management – The Personal Time Survey

Academic Tips (wide range of topics)

Setting Goals

Just for Fun, Etc. 

20 Websites to Learn New Skills

SU Scavenger Hunt

For Instructors:

FYEX 101 syllabus template / FYEX 102 syllabus template

FYEX Learning Outcomes

Pedagogy Tips for FYEX Instructors

Classroom Engagement & Active Learning Tips

Pronouns, Names, & Gender Inclusivity in the Classroom

Gender-Fair Language & Gender Inclusive Pronouns

Field Trip Guidelines  (Waiver Form – PDF version and Word Version)

UnifyAmerica Challege Bowl details

Questions to Promote Critical Thinking

Assignment to Learn About Campus Support Services

Assignment to Learn About Academic Success Skills

Assignment about Motivation and Purpose

Incorporating Information Literacy 

ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox – a platform and repository for sharing Framework materials

Framework for Information Literacy – adopted in 2016. Builds on and expands the standards outlined in the 2000 Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

GRIT & Resilience PowerPoint

Time Management  & Study Skills 

Anti-Racism Scaffolded Resources

Diversity Exercises/Scenarios

Topic Suggestions for Short In-Class Writing Reflections


What First Year Students Should Know

Tips for Building Interest & Motivation

Problem Solving through Group Discussion

Getting it Right; Why Pronouncing Names Correctly Matter

Civic Engagement and Democratic Knowledge

Transformational Advising