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February Notes

Troast presents President’s Lecture on lead in drinking water

Lead in drinking water was the focus of a President’s Lecture on February 27, which featured Dr. Richard Troast, founder of Troast Environmental Consulting, LLC, a toxicologist and recognized expert in the toxicity of lead to humans. Troast gave a talk titled “The Environmental Sources of Lead and the Potential Effects of the Continuing Exposure to Lead for Children and Adults.” Pictured above (l. to r.) are Karen Rice, Dr. Troast, and President Mary J.C. Hendrix.

Chesapeake Watershed research coordinator meets with students and faculty February 2

Dr. Dan Filer, research coordinator of the Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU), visited campus on February 2. He spoke about the numerous opportunities for faculty and students in multiple disciplines as part of Shepherd’s new membership within the Chesapeake Watershed CESU. Filer also met with specific departments, faculty, students, and administrative units throughout the day. The Chesapeake Watershed CESU is a consortium of federal agencies, tribes, academic institutions, state and local governments, nongovernmental conservation organizations, and other partners that help the federal government manage the country’s natural and cultural resources. Filer made a presentation to students in Dr. Keith Alexander’s historic preservation class during his campus visit.

Poverty simulation workshop held for students on February 13

Two Shepherd departments–Nursing Education and HPERS–offered students the opportunity to learn what it’s like to live in poverty during a February 13 poverty simulation that took place in the Student Center Storer Ballroom. Students took on the role of various families that are homeless, on public assistance, have disabled or retired members, or face legal challenges. Professors, staff, community volunteers, and D.N.P. students took on roles such as police officer, utility collector, pawnbroker, grocer, rent collector, caseworkers, teachers, and community healthcare staff. During four 15-minute “weeks,” family members were challenged to provide for basic necessities and shelter for their family. The goal of the exercise was to sensitize participants to the realities faced by low-income people and to identify strategies to help vulnerable populations. View additional photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/shepherdu/albums/72157692616572234

Dual enrollment program information nights attract local students

Attendees of the February dual enrollment session for Berkeley and Jefferson county high school and home-schooled students gathered after the presentation for a photo with President Mary J.C. Hendrix (fifth from left). Also in the photo are Barbie Kandalis, Academic Community Outreach program assistant, and Admissions Director Kristen Lorenz (center with Shepherd name tags). Sessions have been held on campus and in Berkeley County.

Shepherd is represented at Hagerstown art exhibition

Rhonda Smith (r.), professor of art and chair of the Department of Contemporary Art and Theater, was among artists receiving awards at the Washington County Museum of Fine Art’s Cumberland Valley Juried Exhibition. Serving as a juror for the photography show was Mike Mendez (l.), an art adjunct faculty member at Shepherd.

Education grad students present at regional conference

Graduate students enrolled in Dr. Dawne Raines Burke’s class Diversity Awareness and Collaborative Practice successfully presented at the Regional Humanities Conference at Pennsylvania’s Wilson College on February 26. Pictured (l. to r.) are Amanda Wacker, Karli Neff, Ashley Hampshire, LeAnna Barnhart, Alisa Mills, and Megan Rynne.

Study Abroad announces photo contest winners

Shepherd’s Study Abroad Office announced the winners of the 2017 study abroad photo contest. The categories were Doors You Come Through, A Moment that Reflects Your Trip, and Shepherd Ram’s Pride. Winners in the Doors You Come Through category were Daniel Nicholls, first place, and Crystal Brooks, second place; Shepherd Ram’s Pride, Ethan Carrico first place, and Daniel Nicholls, second place; and A Moment that Reflects Your Trip, Harry Koval, first place, and Brendan Jarrell, second place.
View additional photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/shepherdu/albums/72157692317550804

Nolan’s Spanish water dog is Best in Breed at Westminster

Kai, a 3 1/2 year-old Spanish water dog co-owned by Dr. Colleen Nolan, professor of biology, took Best of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club in February. Kai, whose registered name is GCHB CH Angel Kiss the S’Kai de Ariosa CD BN RE CAA CGCA, is co-owned with Lisa Harper, who served as Kai’s handler at Westminster. Kai finished 2017 as the number one owner-handled Spanish water dog and is currently the number one ranked owner-handled Spanish water dog for 2018. Kai has earned multiple group placements that include Group 4 (fourth place) at the 2017 National Dog Show in Philadelphia and multiple Owner-Handled Group 1s (first place). Pictured above (l.) are Harper, Kai, and Nolan, and (r.) Harper and Kai are shown competing at Westminster.