Training Opportunities for Faculty and Staff
Shepherd University recognizes the significance and impact of sexual harassment and violence on college and university campuses across the United States. We are committed to educating our campus community on these topics and creating a safe and welcoming living, learning, and working environment for all students and employees. Shepherd University does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, or violence and we are dedicated to promoting a campus climate based on the values of mutual respect and human dignity. We all play a role in eliminating violence and creating a culture of respect on campus.
We offer in-person Title IX training opportunities for employees and students upon request. If you would like to request a training please contact the Director of Social Equity, Inclusion, and Title IX, Annie Lewin.
All Employees are required to report any knowledge of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. Reporting all disclosures or other known information about alleged sexual or gender-based misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator allows the University to maintain an environment free from harassment and discrimination. Reporting such information also provides the University with the best opportunity to offer appropriate supportive measures and resources to assist the student(s) involved and to assess any health/safety risks posed to the individual or the campus community. A student reporting sexual or interpersonal violence has a right to expect the University to take immediate and appropriate steps to resolve the matter promptly and equitably.