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Directions to Shepherd

Campus aerial view

Shepherdstown is situated in eastern West Virginia, convenient to Washington, D.C., and to many nearby cities in West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. If you’re driving, here are some of the most frequently used routes to the campus.

From the North or South

From the West

From the East

Estimated Driving Times to Shepherd University

Location Distance Time
Annapolis, MD 100 miles 1.75 hours
Baltimore, MD 70 miles 1.25 hours
Charleston, WV 300 miles 5 hours
Cumberland, MD 85 miles 1.5 hours
Gettysburg, PA 60 miles 1.25 hours
Morgantown, WV 175 miles 2.75 hours
Philadelphia, PA 185 miles 3 hours
Pittsburgh, PA 225 miles 3.5 hours
Richmond, VA 180 miles 3 hours
Washington, DC 65 miles 1 hour
Wheeling, WV 240 miles 4 hours
Winchester, VA 35 miles 45 minutes