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Computer labs and classrooms on campus

There are computer labs and/or classrooms all over campus. Every department either has a computer classroom or has access to one. Below is which buildings have computer labs or classrooms; what room it is located in; which department oversees this resource; what Operating System is installed; the days and hours of operations and any general information about it.

Note: Please contact the department for days and hours their lab is open, and to reserve space.

Building/Room Department Type General Information
Butcher HPERS Windows 10 Citrix computers.
Byrd Science 3rd floor Natural Sciences Windows For science majors, but any student may use.
12 computers.
Specialized science software loaded.
Erma Ora Byrd 105 Nursing Windows 32 computers.
Frank M10 Music Macintosh For music majors only.
20 computers.
Music recording studio equipment.
Frank Center Graphics Design Macintosh For Art and Graphics Design majors only.
25 computers.
Specialized equipment.
Knutti basement Communications Macintosh 20 computers.
Knutti 103 Education Windows
30 computers:
25 Windows,
5 Macintosh.
Color laser printer.
Knutti 203 English Windows 25 computers.
Knutti 207 Language Windows 15 computers
Library Learning Commons Windows Open to all students, except when testing.
6 computers.
Library Main Floor Area Windows and Macintosh Open to all students.
25 computers.
Color laser printer.
Click here for current Library hours
Library 24 hour room Windows and Macintosh Swipe your Rambler card to access the room.
Martin 101 Honors Windows 3 computers.
Snyder CIS Windows 20 or more computers per room.
Networking and other equipment needed for studies.
Snyder Engineering Windows 20 computers.
One color printer/plotter.
Snyder IES Windows 25 computers.
Equipment as needed for studies.
White Hall 204 Business Windows For Business Analytics and other Business courses.
25 computers.

Updated August 19, 2022