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Committee Projects

Title IX Training for Faculty and Staff

Shepherd University recognizes the significance and impact of sexual harassment and violence on college and university campuses across the United States.  We are committed to educating our campus community on these topics and creating a safe and welcoming living, learning, and working environment for all students and employees.  Shepherd University does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, or violence and we are dedicated to promoting a campus climate based on the values of mutual respect and human dignity.  We all play a role in eliminating violence and creating a culture of respect on campus. As a way of ensuring a safe and equitable campus environment, we are offering several opportunities for employees to complete Title IX training.  Title IX is a federal law that protects all members of the campus community from gender-based harassment and discrimination, including sexual violence or exploitation, stalking, and relationship violence.  
Employees also have the option of completing the online Haven sexual violence and harassment educational modules.  Both training sessions align with compliance obligations and expectations for universities under Title IX and other related federal laws like the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Online training module options:

Investigate adding Preferred Names and Preferred Pronouns to class rosters and Student IDs

Diversity & Equity Committee Website

Create a Diversity Training and Development Professional Development Plan

Recruitment of Latino Students

Discuss with administration about speaking out on diversity and social justice in speeches writing etc.*

– It is important to “make it clear where Shepherd stands.” A symbol of prioritizing diversity and social justice at the institutional level.

Promoting Courses about Diversity

Use professional development funds as incentive to develop courses.

Sponsor employee training around Gender Inclusion, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression

Create a one-page document for faculty /staff. Possibly create an easy, interactive element? Provide scan codes with links for more information. Utilize videos and website resources.