All chemistry majors take the core courses which include: General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I and II, Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Physical Chemistry I, Computers in Science, Research in Chemistry, and Physics I and II.
(If you click on the link for a concentration, you will be taken to a separate page with additional details.)
Students in the Traditional Concentration also take Physical Chemistry I and II, Inorganic Chemistry, and Calculus I and II. These students often minor in mathematics or computer science. The Traditional Concentration stresses physical chemistry and is usually chosen by those interested in employment or graduate programs in physical, organic, inorganic, or analytical chemistry.
Students in the Biochemistry Concentration also take Biochemistry I and II, Calculus with Applications, and Statistics. They complete a minor in molecular biology. This area of study can lead to employment or graduate studies in the biochemical/biomedical fields. Students planning to go to medical, dental, veterinary, or pharmacy schools usually choose the Biochemistry Concentration.
The Biopharmaceutical Sciences concentration is designed for students who plan on becoming pharmacists. Students in the Biopharmaceutical Sciences Concentration, if successful, will take three years of classes at Shepherd and then four years at one of the following: West Virginia University, Shenandoah University in Virginia, or Marshall University (referred to a “3+4” agreement with these schools). The student will receive a B.S. in Chemistry from Shepherd University after the fourth year and a Pharm.D. from their pharmacy school after completing the seventh year. At Shepherd, the student will take all of the courses needed for entry into the pharmacy school but must also maintain a high GPA and meet the individual pharmacy school’s requirements for admission.
Students in the Environmental Concentration also take Environmental Chemistry, 13 credits of environmental science, 8 credits of earth science, 7 credits of mathematics, and 4 of biology. This concentration is designed for students desiring to enter graduate programs or those who want to work for environmental companies and organizations.
Did you know that you can also study Secondary Education (grade 9-12) with a specialization in Chemistry? Students on this track take General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I and II, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry I, Biochemistry I, and a chemistry elective, in addition to their Education coursework.
The chemistry minor requires the core course of General Chemistry I and II and then allows students to select 16 additional credits in 300+ level chemistry courses (excluding CHEM 325 Computers in Science). At least two of these 16 credits must be lab courses and additional math may be required for certain courses.
(Page last edited in August, 2020. For most up-to-date information, refer to the current Catalog on the Shepherd University website.)