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Career Resources

Job Portals!

See the list below for general and industry specific job portals! You can find full-time, part-time, or internships on these sites.

General Job Portals

LinkedIn Connect with other professionals in your field. Great way to put yourself out there and connect with recruiters in your industry!
Handshake FREE for students and alumni. Register for an account to connect with jobs, internships, and employers.
Indeed Non-industry specific job portal for part-time and full-time work
GlassDoor Non-industry specific job portal for full-time jobs, internships, and company reviews
SimplyHired Find part-time and full-time work on the local and national level A general job portal for tech, healthcare, and warehouse jobs Find jobs in the federal government

Industry-Specific Job Portals

Idealist Offers opportunities in non-profits around the country
TeamworkOnline Find jobs across country in sports & entertainment
Media Careers Find full-time, part-time, and freelance jobs in Newspapers, digital media, academia, and non-profits across the country
iHireMarketing For entry level marketing jobs. Log into to your LinkedIn to make connecting with recruiters easier!
PreserveNet Find employment across the country in historic preservation
ConservationLegacy Work in local conservation efforts across the country
CoolWorks Find seasonal work in the National Parks all over the country across industries
NRPA- Parks and Rec Look for jobs in parks and recreation across the country Find tech jobs in both an on-site and remote capacity Explore jobs and internships in the STEM field

email: Phone: 304-876-5317 Office Hours: 8:30-4:30