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Assembly Agenda

Spring 2019 Regular Meeting Agenda

Monday, April 8th, 2019, 4:10 p.m., Erma Ora Byrd Auditorium

I. Call to order – acting Moderator Dr. Chris Lovelace

II. Approval of the minutes of the fall 2018 meeting

III. President’s report – Dr. Mary J. C. Hendrix

IV. Other reports to the Assembly

Advisory Council of Faculty – Dr. Max Guirguis
Faculty Senate – Dr. Chris Lovelace
Advisory Council of Classified Employees – Ms. Jayne Angle
Classified Employees Council – Ms. Cecelia Mason
Student Life Council – Dr. Laura Robertson

V. New business

Approval of changes to the Student Life Council Constitution & Bylaws – Dr. Laura Robertson (attachment)

Proposed amendments to the Shepherd Constitution (attachment)
i. Core Curriculum Committee – Dr. Chris Lovelace

The Core Curriculum Committee brings forward an amendment to the introductory paragraph of Article IV, Section 7 of the Shepherd Constitution that would remove the requirement that the chair of that committee come from the Faculty Senate and instead be elected from among the CCC membership at their final meeting each year.

ii. Chairs of the new College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences – Dr. Chris Lovelace

Replace “College” with “College or Division within a College” wherever per-college faculty committee representation is specified. This change will keep the level of representation the same as it is now after we combine the Colleges of Social & Behavioral Sciences and Arts & Humanities.
Change “Dean” to “Dean or Associate Dean” in committee membership lists to allow the new Associate Deans to fulfil committee roles.

i. Shepherd University Assembly Moderator (one-year renewable term) – Christian Benefiel is incumbent

ii. Shepherd University Assembly Secretary (one-year renewable term) – Ms. Kristin Kaineg is incumbent

iii. Shepherd University Assembly Parliamentarian (one-year renewable term) – Dr. Chris Lovelace is incumbent

iv. Student Life Council faculty representatives (two-year term, non-renewable) – 2 appointments – Drs. Fetty and Hovatter are continuing (only necessary if the SLC Constitution changes fail to pass, above)

v. Board of Governors faculty representative (two-year renewable term) – Dr. J. B. Tuttle is incumbent

vi. Faculty representative to the WV Advisory Council of Faculty (two-year renewable term) – Dr. Max Guirguis is incumbent

vii. Alternate faculty representative to the WV Advisory Council of Faculty (two-year renewable term) – Dr. Jason Best is incumbent

VI. Other business

VII. Adjournment – Dr. Lovelace