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Shepherd University and Covid-19

Dear Biology Majors, Biology Minors, and Web-site Visitors,

First and foremost, take care of yourselves, your family, friends, and fellow community members.  Follow the laws, guidelines, rules, and recommendations of your local government officials.  In order to control the pandemic we must all act as one coordinated unit.

This Spring 2022, Biology courses will continue to be taught in three main modes, in-person (FTF), as hybrid courses (HYA and HYS) or completely online (OLA and OLS).  Depending on the mode, lecture material will be delivered in person in a lecture room following university Covid-19 protocols. Online courses will be delivered through the Brightspace learning management system.   Many labs will meet in person; there is no substitute for learning a skill by actually performing it.  The Biology faculty will strive to bring the best education experience possible under these pandemic conditions.  As always, the health of our students, visitors, staff, and faculty will be our foremost concern as the university opens a safe and vibrant campus.


Biology Faculty

Spring 2022


Use this link to view the Spring 2022 Class Schedule:

Scholarships and Fellowships

  1. Please follow the link from the Biology homepage for a list of scholarships and fellowships established by generous alumni donations.

Student Activities

Tri-Beta holds weekly virtual meetings during the fall and spring semesters.

Career Development

MCAT Test Dates for 2022  Note, registration for the MCAT must be initiated at least 30 days before the test date.  The coronavirus pandemic caused numerous changes to test administration. For the latest information, please visit

New Programs with Marshall Edwards School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy.  Contact

WVU Dentistry:  Information about the DentSTEP Program is available through the Related Links page.  Your Academic Advisor also can discuss the program with interested students.

Visits From and Contacts For Program Representatives

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine:
Each year staff from WVSOM visit Shepherd to answer questions of interested applicants.

West Virginia University School of Medicine:  Dr. R. Lorenzetti, Director of the MedStep Program, will hold the next first year MedStep seminar course in the second half of the Spring 2022 semester.

Summer Internships 

Please follow this link to the new Biology Department Brightspace page.  The department will organize internship opportunities at that site.

Employment Opportunities

Please follow this link to the new Biology Department Brightspace page.  Under Content, there will be a dedicated entry for employment opportunities.