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7.04: Internship

Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours, the ability to use diverse, structured ways of thinking to solve problems related to different facets of professional practice, engage in advocacy, and stimulate innovation.


Graduates will successfully complete an intensive internship receiving favorable feedback from direct supervisor in the areas of professionalism, programming, leadership, management, and communication skills.
COAPRT Outcome – Internship

Evidence Learning Outcome (7.04:01) – RECR 450: Capstone Project

Performance Measure (7.04:02) – Direct: Students will demonstrate professionalism and proficiency in programming and management as reflected in the evaluation of their Special/Capstone Project. Senior Rubric lines B-F
Performance Levels/Metrics – 75% of students will be assessed on their professionalism, programming, leadership, management, and communication skills through Senior Rubric at a level of “acceptable” (80%) or higher.
Assessment Results (7.04.03) – 100% completion – Results and recommendation show need for an evaluation instrument to measure professionalism, leadership, management and communication skills demonstrated through the Project.
CPI: Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.04:04) – While every student has completed the Capstone project (required to graduate) an evaluation instrument has been added. Capstone Project Description and Senior Rubric B-F Results

Evidence Learning Outcome (7.04:01) – RECR 450: Exit Survey (Student & Supervisor versions)

Performance Measure (7.04:02) – Indirect: Measure student learning of management through student and supervisor comparison. Senior Exit Survey and Supervisor Exit Survey
Performance Levels/Metrics – Comparison of Student Senior Exit Survey and the Supervisor’s completion of the Student’s Senior Exit Survey will indicate that 75% of each student’s scores will be consistent at the level of “acceptable or perfectly acceptable” with the scores provided by the supervisor.
Assessment Results (7.04.03) – Due to past results and recommendation it was determined the measure was not adequate. Specifically, supervisor will also use a similar instrument to one used by seniors for purpose of comparison.
CPI: Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.04:04)Change in measure to include a comparison of data from intern and supervisor per accreditation team recommendation. Senior Exit Survey and Supervisor Exit SurveyResults