Those attending a meeting with Randox representatives were (l. to r.) Caitlin O’Connor, nursing student; Lydnsay Rodgerson, Randox senior recruitment consultant; Dr. Ben Martz, dean of business school development; Andrew Dunlop, Randox national sales manager; Doug Bramblett, Randox plant manager; President Mary J.C. Hendrix; Dr. Sarah Gildea, Randox veterinary diagnostics; Dr. Colleen Nolan, dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; Dr. Clarissa Mathews, chair of the Institute of Environmental and Physical Sciences; and Caroline Shamberger, psychology major.
President Mary J.C. Hendrix and campus leaders from the science and business disciplines hosted representatives from Randox, a global leader in healthcare diagnostics with a U.S. lab located in Kearneysville, for a discussion pertinent to Shepherd serving as a pipeline for student internships that would potentially lead to hires following graduation.