Program Overview
The Master of Arts in Appalachian Studies isĀ an interdisciplinary program and is specifically designed for community members who fit into the following categories:
- Students for whom a graduate degree in an interdisciplinary Appalachian Studies curriculum would improve their qualifications for the job market and in the region;
- Students who are already in the workforce in education, politics, local and regional planning, economic development, business, recreation and hospitality, service organizations, leisure, or the parks service, cultural and arts organizations, and health related administrative careers, whose careers will profit from a deeper knowledge and understanding of the region; and
- Students who are interested in understanding the region from a variety of historical, cultural, and global perspectives, and whose knowledge base will be enhanced through study and research of the region.
The Master of Arts in Appalachian Studies and the Graduate Certificate in Appalachian Studies (non-degree) are designed as complementary graduate programs, so that a student who completes the Graduate Certificate in Appalachian Studies may apply all 15 hours toward completion of the Master of Arts in Appalachian Studies.
Contact Dr. Benjamin Bankhurst, Appalachian Studies Program Coordinator,