Here are the steps for configuring Shepherd’s Wi-Fi on your Android device or Chromebook.
- Go into Settings.
- Go to the Wi-Fi Settings.
- Select the registration network.
- Make sure the Security is set to 802.1x EAP.
- The EAP Method must be PEAP.
- The Phase 2 authentication must be MSCHAPV2.
- For CA certificate, select Do not validate.
- Enter your Shepherd username and password into the respective fields and leave anonymous identity blank.
- After it is connected, go into the web browser.
- The Shepherd registration (Bradford) page should come up. If not, try going to any web address and then it should appear.
- Select User Registration.
- Enter your Shepherd username and password, and then select download.
- You should see a status bar progress for about 45 seconds if it was successful.
- You may need to turn your Wi-Fi on and off so your device receives the correct IP address.
- You should now be registered and can access the Internet.
If you have any problems or questions, contact the IT Service Desk by phone at 304-876-5457 or email at