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Careers in History

Careers in History:

The History Major prepares students for a wide range of fulfilling careers after graduation. It is an ideal major for students interested in entering professions including, law, government research and civil administration, education, museums and hospitality, among many others.

Data source: American Historical Society, 2017; ACS 2010–14 5-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS). Includes individuals who stated they were in full-time employment, between the ages of 25 and 64, had achieved a bachelor’s degree or higher, and had either history or US history as the field of study for their bachelor’s degree.

History students acquire skills that are desirable to employers. At Shepherd, students learn how to conduct research, contextualize their research findings, and present their research outcomes in a clear and concise manner. These “human” skills empower History students to secure employment in a fast changing, and increasingly automated world. According to a study commissioned by the American Historical Association in 2017, the median income for history graduates between the ages of 25 and 64 is $60,000 per year. The median income increases for history graduate in managerial positions ($80,000) and for those in the legal occupations ($100,000). 

Data source: American Historical Association, 2014. Median Annual Earnings Over Career: Advanced Degree Holders

Shepherd History Alumni:

Shepherd History graduates have found fulfilling careers in a wide variety of professions, including law, health services, publishing, government and education. Shepherd History graduates include:

History Alumni Spotlight