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Ikenberry Award

Dr. Oliver S. Ikenberry served as President of Shepherd College for 21 years, from 1947-1968. These were years of expansion for all American higher education and important formative years for Shepherd College as well. President and Mrs. Ikenberry were actively engaged with students, faculty, staff, and alumni and intimately involved with the community of Shepherdstown. This award is designated for one male and one female for exemplary human service to Shepherd University as evidenced by campus leadership, community service, and overall achievement.

Congratulations to the 2021 winners Taylor Seitzinger and Tyler Izydore!

Taylor was nominated by her peer, William Prudnick. Click on the button below to hear from William and why Taylor was deserving of this award.

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Tyler was nominated by his peer, Alyssa Roush. Click the button below to hear from Alyssa and why Tyler was deserving of this award.

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